Jobs at Activate

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Content Editor

The fundamental role of the Content Editor is to assist with decisions surrounding what stories get published in the paper. To this end, the Content Editor must liaise with the editor and the section editors and discuss the merits or potential pitfalls of each story that is to be considered for publication. The Content Editor must at all times remain vigilant of hazards such as defamation or unfair comment, and work towards eliminating incidences of these from the newspaper.

During paste-up the Content Editor must adopt the mindset of a typical reader and attempt to assist in making the newspaper as interesting and relevant to as wide a range of readers as possible. He or she must assess the relevance and strength of each story and work towards maximising its effectiveness, by thinking of appropriate headlines and blurbs and by making sure key aspects in the story are explained well, and trivial aspects are removed.

The Content Editor receives content from each of the section heads on the Wednesday, Thursday and Friday preceding each paste-up weekend. He/she must then read through all the content, checking for defamation and relevance and possible expansion areas, and notify the editor should there be any problems or suggestions. Once the content has been looked over it goes to the subs.

As the Content Editor is a member of the Executive, he/she must attend Exec meetings which precede usual meetings, and participate actively in the perpetual discussions of the role of the paper, where it is and where it’s going, how it can improve, etc.


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