Features Editor
Responsibilities: Set the three topics for the next edition (2 features, 1 To the Point) and provide clear, written briefs to each writer.
Conduct meetings with the features team and/or individual writers to collate content.
Attend the Pics meeting to brief the Pics editor about your chosen stories and possible photo ideas.
Write captions for each photo used and headlines for each story.
Edit stories thoroughly before submitting them to the Content editor.
Quality control
Meetings: Monday 1900 hrs. (7 p.m.) weekly, at the Activate office to discuss content and general admin with the entire production committee.
Tuesday 1830 hrs. (6:30 p.m.) weekly, at the Activate office with the whole Features team.
Tuesday 1930 hrs. (7:30 p.m.) on the first week of the production cycle, at the Activate office with the Pics team to brief them during their meeting about Features content.
Friday 1300 hrs. (1 p.m.) on the first week of the production cycle, venue at your convenience, to meet with assigned writers and check that they are making progress/troubleshoot problems.
Thursday 1800 hrs. (6 p.m.) on the second week of production before paste-up weekend, at the Activate office, to draw up design dummies (layout) with the Editor, Pics editor and Chief designer.
Section editors must check all their content again on Saturday or Sunday between 1700 hrs. (5 p.m.) and 1900 hrs. (7p.m.).
Deadlines: Activate is published every second Thursday. There are two content deadlines the week before. The first, Tuesday 1300 hrs. (1 p.m.), the writers should send you their stories by email to check, edit and brief them on at the Tuesday evening Features meeting. The second, Wednesday 1300 hrs. (1 p.m.), you should send all your edited content by email to the Content editor
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