Jobs at Activate

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

How to Apply and When etc

What you need to apply:
  • A one page CV
  • A one page letter of motivation detailing why you would be good for the job
  • A portfolio of work applicable to the section you are applying for. (For example written work in your portfolio will not count as much as photographs if you are applying for the position of Pictures Editor) The portfolio should be presented in an A4 format, preferably in a file of some sort. (J1s should see this as a chance to start putting together their J2 applications.)

All of the above are due on the 11th of August at 17:00 and must be placed in the box outside of the Activate office (which is on the second floor of the Union Building) which will be marked "job applications".

Applicants will then be called into interviews which will take place in the evenings from the 22nd to the 24th of August. You will be informed when the lists are up to view when your interview time is.

Applications are open to all students regardless of their degree or experience- Activate is a student publication and strives to cater for the informationa and entertainment needs of all students.

Hint: The word "passion" and "passionate" has been banned from being used in both interviews and letters of motivation. It is simply overused, find another word to describe yourself.

Job descriptions are listed below and all of the jobs are availible to anyone who wishes to apply for them except the posts of Editor, Deputy Editor, Financial Manager, Content Editor and Managing Editor as these are reserved for section editors.


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